SNORKS VOLUME 1 - Journey to the Source, Hooked On A Feeling, Vandal Scandal, The Ugly Yuckfish, Which Snork Snitched, The
Littlest Mermaid, Snorkymania, Now You Seahorse Now You Don't, Allstar's All Star Band, A Sign of the Tides, Snork Marks The
Spot, Snorkdance, Junior's Secret, The Blue Coral Necklace, Up UP And Awave, Gills Just Wanna Have Fun, The Snorkness Monster,
Snorkin Surf Party, Allstar's Double Trouble, A Snork On The Wild Side, Me Jo-Jo You Daffney, Fine Fettered Friends, Time
Out For Sissies, The Old Shell Game, The King of Kelp, Whale Tales, Snorkitis Is Nothing..., The Whole Toot & Nothing
But The Toot, Chickens of the Sea, Never Cry Wolf-fish, Learn To Love Your Snork, Dr.Strangesnork, Allstar's Freshwater Adventure,
A Hard Day's Snork
SNORKS VOLUME 2 - It's Just a Matter of Slime, Water Friends For?, The Shape of Snorks To Come, Junior's Octopuppy, Casey
& The Doubleheader, Das Boot, A Snorking We Will Go, Guess What's Coming To Dinner, The New Neighbors, The Backwards
Snork, All's Whale That Ends Whale, Allstar's Last Hour, Sea Shore Sideshow, Snip & Snap, A Willie Scary Shalloween,
Junior's Empire, Freeze Save Our Town, The Shady Shadow, Tooter Loves Tadah, Daffney's Ransom, The Sand Witch, Salmon Enchanted
Evening, Jo-Jo In Control, Mummy Snorkest, Casey In Sandland, The Day The Ocean Stood Still, The Golden Dolphin, Chills Drills
& Spills, It's Always Darkest Before..., Willie & Smallstar's Big Adventure